Birds such as pigeons and gulls are a public health risk for several reasons:
- They damage and contaminate food with their droppings and feathers.
- They have effects on health, since they are associated with more than
60 diseases (although they are not considered vectors), such as
are Salmonellosis, Ornithosis, Cryptococcosis, Hyaloplasmosis and
Allergic alveolitis. - They and their excrement can act as reservoirs of pathogenic microorganisms that affect humans and domestic animals.
- They are carriers of ectoparasites such as ticks, fleas, lice, etc.
- Their feces are very slippery on the pavement, especially when it rains, causing accidents. Mechanical bird deterrent to repel birds in areas close to the control zone.
It combines two different deterrent effects: the sound of the blades and the mechanical effect of the blade hitting the most daring birds when they try to access the controlled areas. Patented model.