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Nupilac DC Green

Insecticide formulated in lacquer for the control of all types of insects and particularly crawling and crawling insects in case of shock or maintenance treatments with a periodicity not exceeding 4 months.

Insecticide formulated in lacquer for the control of all types of insects and particularly crawling and crawling insects in case of shock or maintenance treatments with a periodicity not exceeding 4 months.

Security term:
12 h.
Deltametrina 0,15% Praletrina 0,1%
Guantes, máscara, gafas y ropa de protección
How to use:
Impregnar mediante pulverización o brocheo las superficies según las dosis de aplicación. Dosis: 15m2/l.
Cucarachas, hormigas, arácnidos, escarabajos, chinches, escarabajos de almacén, lepismas, otros...
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